Tuesday 7 June 2016

Adopted Microbe

Assalamualaikum Dr Wan and Dr Fairol! :) This is my entry for adopted microbe.

I am very pleased to say that I am happy to be given a chance to adopt a microbe. I am so excited to start this assignment. There are sooo many microorganism in this biosphere that I hardly choose one. But after a thorough research on various sources such as the internet mainly on scoop.it ,on books and articles, I choose Vibrio parahaemolyticus as my adopted microbe. 

As we can see from the name itself, "vibrio" shows the shape of the microbe. It is a curved rod shape. Vibrio parahaemlyticus is in the domain of bacteria due to its lack of nucleus and also membrane bound organelles. This is a Gram-negative bacteria. Vibrio parahaemolyticus is and obligate halophilic organism meaning it requires salt to live. Commonly it can be found free swimming, latched onto underwater surfaces. However, this bacterium can also found in high concentrations in areas of large seafood consumption. 

What makes me interested to choose Vibrio parahaemolyticus is the fact that this bacterium is the leading causative agent of seafood related illlness in the United States. This fact surprised me and eventually triggered me to explore on this kind of bacterium. This species is naturally occurring and found worldwide. It can also survive in both liquid environments and semi solid surfaces that is in your body! Quite interesting isn't it? In humans, this bacterium uses a toxic protein to destroy your red blood cells. And plus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus also can multiply rapidly, thanks to its form of reproduction, binary fission. It will reproduce in humans, in water and in other marine organisms such as oyster and humpback whale. 

Well after discovering about Vibrio parahaemolyticus I think I should realized the importance of taking precautions when cooking seafood. This is because this bacteria is becoming a possible illness although that is not lethal to human but it is serious. I just tell you guys more or less about my adopted microbe, Vibrio parahaemolyticus.

We we required to prepare an online scrapbook and also a 3MT slide. The 3MT slide is to present on Week 14. 3MT stands for 3 minutes talk. I am quite nervous about my 3MT, but Alhamdulillah it all went well. Although there are certain infos that I forgot to share during my 3MT I hope what I have delivered during the talk will give benefits to my friends. I just want to share about my adopted microbe to my fellow classmates and also to Dr Wan and Dr Fairol. 

I used cliptomize.com  for my online scrapbook. Cliptomize is an easy tool to do a scrapbook. It was simple but yet very attractive. You can read the book as long as you want. That is why I choose cliptomize. Overall, this assigment, adopted microbe helps me to discover about Vibrio parahaemolyticus. I tried to understand the life of a bacteria and develop love towards this bacteria.

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