Sunday 28 February 2016



Assalamualaikum. This is the first reflective journal for Microbiology BMY3001. The first class began on Thursday 25th February 2016. The first topic is an Introduction to Microbiology. There are 4 learning outcomes for this introduction topic which are;

1) To define microorganism

Different types of microorganisms 

2) To recognize major groups of microorganisms

Major groups of microbes 

3) To describe several ways in which microbes affect our lives
Some microbes can cause diseases

4) To relate the people, events and milestones in the history of microbiology
Early invention of microscope

As far as I know, Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, archaea, fungi and protozoa. Microorganism is the living things usually too small to be seen with the unaided eyes. Thus we need the help of microscope to see the microorganisms. During the first class, I had so much fun. It is because Dr Wan made the class hype and excited to learn about microbiology. This is such a good approach to make us as a Cell and Molecular Biology student, to love Microbiology. Plus Microbiology is quite related to Cell and Molecular Biology thus it is compulsory to take this Microbiology course so that I can upgrade my knowledge and value in the world of microbes.
Microbes observed on Petri dish

The first topic gave me knowledge about several groups of microorganism which are bacteria, fungi, protozoa, algae and virus. And most importantly I learn how the microbes affect our lives. They affect our lives in so many ways. We can also classify their impact in our lives into different aspects such as health, industries, food technology and agriculture. For examples in health, bacteria is used in the production of antibiotics. We also learn about history of Microbiology and how does the first microorganism was found. In the history of microbiology, Robert Hooke is known for his famous microscopical observation on thin slices of cork.

By learning topic 1: Introduction to Microbiology I have already known a lot of microbes such as; Vibrio haemolyticus, Deinococcus radiodurans, Thiomargarita namibiensis, watermelon snow, and Bacillus anthracis. Dr Wan did tell us not to memorize those microbes name but instead we should know and understand the genus and species and then we can know the name of a microbe. 

Overall, the first topic mostly C1 level. I hope I can understand this first topic so that I will be able to catch up for the upcoming topic.

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